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Orientation of State Resource Groups (SRGs)
Development of eContents for DIKSHA

Government of India has brought in several initiatives for dissemination of eContent such as DIKSHA (One Nation One Platform), PMeVIDYA (One Class One Channel), MOOCs on SWAYAM, ePathshala, etc and DIKSHA has been sought as a one stop solution for School Education. The Ministry of Education has launched NIPUN Bharat Mission for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) and Adult Education as special verticals on the DIKSHA platform. Besides, several other verticals i.e. DIVYANG/ CWSN, CPD for educating educators, administrators, vocational education etc are also being created on DIKSHA portal. These verticals aim to nurture skills, special abilities and help increase the quality of life of an individual by enabling them to pursue their livelihood, be aware of their rights and responsibilities. The National Education Policy - 2020 (NEP- 2020), unveiled by the Ministry of Education emphasises for the development of quality eContent in varied forms in all regional languages for a diverse group of learners including DIVYANG and to empower students and teacher communities across India. eContent augments the learning experience by deploying various resources for visualization and explanation of abstract ideas. Keeping in view the diverse needs of learners, now use of eContent has become an essential component of the teaching and learning processes. eContent is available in large numbers through various sources, but few of them are found to have the desired quality in terms of content, pedagogy as well as technical aspects. Copyright violations are rampant thereby restricting the scope of customising the eContent according to the local needs. Also with a plethora of smart and mobile devices, teacher and student driven eContents are available in abundance in the market. NEP -2020 further emphasises on development of eContent by NCERT-CIET, CBSE, NIOS, and other bodies/ institutions, which will be uploaded on to the DIKSHA platform and also use the platform for teacher professional development. eContents have to be created for DIKSHA and its other verticals based on the quality parameters and learning outcomes. NEP-2020 also puts emphasis that each teacher and school principals will be expected to participate in at least 50 hours per annum Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities. Therefore, CIET- NCERT is organising a series of virtual training programmes to familiarise the SRGs on development of eContent, process of developing quality eContent and curation of eContent and its dissemination through multiple modes -online/ offline/ on air/ web portals /apps etc and contribute in bridging the digital divide.


Training Calendar
Phase(s) Coverage of States/UTs Dates
Phase 1
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal and UTs of Dadra, Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu.
17- 21 Jan, 2022
Phase 2
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh 31 Jan- 4 Feb, 2022
Phase 3 Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Union Territories of Pondicherry, Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 07-11 Feb, 2022
Phase 4 Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura 21-25 Feb, 2022
Objectives of the Programme:

The objectives of these five orientation programmes are to:

  • Sensitize the stakeholders on Digital Education Initiatives taken up by the Ministry of Education-Govt of India and CIET-NCERT.
  • Familiarise the process of eContent development.
  • Support creating a variety of eContent (audios, videos, interactions, quizzes, AR, VR, Virtual Labs etc).
  • Familiarise various FOSS tools associated with development eContent.
  • Acquaint with quality parameters in relation with metadata standards in the process of curation, licensing, cyber safety & security in development.
  • Sharing of best practices
Project/Course Organising Team:

Course Director - Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, JD, CIET-NCERT

Course Coordinator (s) - Prof. Indu Kumar

Programme Coordinator - Dr. Monica Nagpal

Resource Persons/Experts - Prof. AP Behera, Prof. Indu Kumar, Dr. Bharti Kaushik, Dr. Rejaul K Barbhuiya, Ms Vandana Arimardan, Mr. Ajit Horo, Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Dr. Monica Nagpal, Dr. Deepty Gupta, Dr. Gulshan Mufeed, Dr. Prachi Sharma, Dr. Nidhi Singh, Dr. Yash Paul Sharma, Ms Priyakshi Gupta, Mr. Devashish Jaiswal

External Experts - Prof Naveen Gautam, Ms. Sushumna Rao, Dr. B. Madhu, Dr. Ajita Deshmukh, Mr. Ayush N, Ms. Nisha Dua

Programme Schedule
Date & Day 09:30 am - 11:15 am 11:30 am - 01:00 pm 02:00 pm – 03:00 pm
03.00 PM -03.30 PM
03:45 pm – 05:15 pm
Day 1 Monday Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

09.30 - 10.00 am Registrations
10.00-10.30 am Inaugural Session
10.00 - 11.15 am ICT initiatives @ India with emphasis on DIKSHA

Prof. Amarendra P. Behera- JD, CIET-NCERT

Digital Resources for Teaching, Learning & Assessment- Types & Formats(With special ref to: FLN & Adult Education Resources)

Prof. Indu Kumar- Course Coordinator

Assistive Technologies
Dr. Bharti Head, DICT-CIET

OER and Licences -OER Course
Dr. Rejaul K Barbhuiya

Instructional Designing with an emphasis on script writing and storyboarding
Prof. Indu Kumar
Dr. Monica Nagpal

Day 2 Tuesday Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8

Introduction and Demonstration to Infographics- Tools & Resources
Dr. Deepty Gupta
Dr. Gulshan Mufeed

Infographics - Hands on

Dr. Deepty Gupta
Dr. Gulshan Mufeed

Introduction and Demonstration to Interactives- h5p
Ms. Sushumna Rao
Dr. Prachi Sharma

Interactives h5p Hands on
Ms. Sushumna Rao
Dr. Prachi Sharma

Day 3 Wednesday Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12

Introduction and Demonstration to Audio resources- Tools & Resources

Ms. Vandana Arimardan/
Mr. Ajit Horo
Dr. Angel Rathnabai

Audio Resources Hands On

Dr. Angel Rathnabai

Introduction and Demonstration to Video resources- Tools & Resources

Prof. Naveen Gautam

Video Resources Hands on
Dr. Monica Nagpal

Day 4 Thursday Session 13 Session 14 Session 15 Session 16

Introduction and Demonstration to Animation Resources - Tools & Resources

Mr. Ayush N

Animation resources Hands on - Stop Motion Animation

Dr. Prachi Sharma

Subject Specific Tools (AR, VR, Virtual labs)

Social Sci: Dr. Nidhi S
Chem & Phy: Dr. Ajita D
Biology: Dr. Yash Paul
Maths: Dr. B Madhu
Languages: Ms. Priyakshi

Evaluation of eContent

Prof. Indu Kumar

Day 5
Session 17 Session 18 Session 19 Session 20

Content Pedagogy & Technology Integration

Dr. Angel Rathnabai

11.30am -12.00 pm Understanding ebooks types and possibilities
Mr. Devashish Jaiswal

12.00 pm -01.00 pm Action Plans for 2022-23 Econtent development plans to be designed by each state/UT

Cyber Safety and Security

Ms. Nisha Dua

Presentation of State Action Plans Feedback
Valedictory Session

Program Content
Session Title Video Link (Bilingual) Video Link (English) Other Resource
ICT initiatives Click here Click here Click here
Digital Resources for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Click here Click here Click here
Assistive Technologies and OER & Licences Click here Click here (Part 1)
Click here (Part 2)
Click here (Part 1)
Click here (Part 2)
Instructional Designing Click here Click here Click here
Introduction and demonstration to Infographics Click here Click here Click here
Infographics Hands On Click here Click here Click here
Introduction and demonstration to Interactives H5P Click here Click here Click here
Interactives H5P Hands On Click here Click here Click here
Introduction to Audio Resources Click here Click here Click here
Demonstration to Audio Resources Click here Click here Click here
Phase 1 Introduction and demonstration to Video Resources Click here
Phase 2 Introduction and demonstration to Video Resources Click here
Phase 3 Introduction and demonstration to Video Resources Click here
Phase 4 Introduction and demonstration to Video Resources Click here
Video Resources in Education Click here Click here
Video Creation Tools Click here
Introduction and demonstration to Animation Resources Click here Click here Click here
Animation Resources: Stop Motion Animation Demonstration Click here Click here Click here
Subject specific tools Social Sciences Click here Click here Click here
Subject specific tools: Physics and Chemistry Click here Click here Click here
Subject Specific Tools: Biology Click here Click here Click here
Subject Specific Tools: Mathematics-Geogebra Click here Click here
Subject specific toools Languages Click here Click here Click here
Evaluation of eContents Click here Click here Click here
Content Pedagogy and Technology Integration Click here Click here Click here
Ebooks Types and Possibilities Click here Click here Click here
Cyber Safety and Security Click here Click here Click here
Presentation of State Action Plans Feedback and Valedictory session Click here
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