Page 2 - newsletter- july-2020
P. 2

From the

                                       Joint Director’s Desk

                    It gives me immense pleasure to share the works undertaken by the Central Institute of Educational
                    Technology (CIET) in this quarter. As we all know, the second wave of COVID-19 hit hard on the lives of
                    people of  all  walks of  life  in  our  country.  Many of  the academic  and non-academic  sta s  of  our
                    institution also got a ected by the virus with di erent intensities. In spite of this, the functioning of

                    institution did not stop.
                    PM eVIDYA initiative of the MoE, GoI which focuses on various digital platforms: TV, radio and internet

                    based and their coherence remained the key area of work. Before and after the lockdown, recordings
                    of videos in various forms; Curriculum-based, ISL videos and bite-sized videos on Learning Outcomes
                    were carried out. Production of audio programmes was also taking place hand-in-hand. The telecast as
                    well as broadcast of all these video and audio programmes was done on a regular basis through
                    various modes. The live interactive sessions, webinar on ICT tools and Manodarpan-SAHYOG telecast
                    on the 12 DTH TV channels under PM eVIDYA tried to provide support for the overall growth and
                    well-being of the viewers of the country.

                    Since the institution has been working for various digital initiatives and enhanced access to quality
                    education to students of the country, all other programmes of CIET such as, MOOCs on SWAYAM,
                    NISHTHA, ePathshala, NROER, ICT curriculum and DIKSHA provided required teaching-learning

                    materials to the students, teachers, teacher educators and parents.   We will keep our stakeholders
                    informed on the works undertaken by our institution through the newsletter. I would like to
                    wish all a safe and healthy life ahead.

                                                                                Amarendra P. Behera
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